

A credit inquiry occurs when a financial intuition checks your credit report, typically when you apply for a loan or credit card. Kaydem can dispute your inquiries from the past 6-8 months to raise your score and get you to approve for credit.

Timeframe : 15-45 days.

Credit Repairs FAQ's

How long will it take to restore my credit profile?

The amount of time it takes is different in every circumstance. Many of our clients see tremendous results within the first 30 – 45 days. Of course items like a bankruptcy or repossession could take longer but any derogatory item can be removed. The progress of your case will also depend on you forwarding all correspondence to us as soon as you receive it.

How much will you increase my Credit Score?

Our clients have seen score increases ranging between 0 – 200+ Although due to FTC regulation and compliance we cannot guarantee an increase in your credit score. Our goal is to remove or repair the negative items from your credit report and increase your credit worthiness putting your credit score the most lendable position.

What items can you remove?

Everyone has a unique credit footprint. We have an aggressive dispute process that fights against bankruptcies, charge-offs, credit inquiries, delinquencies, collections, and so much more.

What is a good score?

A good credit score is between 670 and 739.

A very good score is between 740-799.

An excellent score is between 800-850.



202 N Cedar Ave Suite 1

Owatanna MN 55060

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